Blue River Handpiece Repair, LLC
Monthly & Yearly Maintenance Plans
Maintenance Reviews for you and your staff
Monthly & Yearly Maintenance Plans
Maintenance Reviews for you and your staff
face it, the manufacturers do not want to train you to maintain their handpieces in this replacement society. It does not give them maximum profits to have you re-use handpieces year after year.
I will train your staff to maintain the hp's so that your turbines last longer.
I can save you up to $1920 / year if you have 4 chairs per office. more offices more savings.
Service Plans
Service Plans
Compare service packages and find the best fit for you.
Compare service packages and find the best fit for you.
Monthly Check Up
Monthly Check Up
$25.00 / HP
$25.00 / HP
This consists of Cleaning, Lubing and Testing.
If further repair is needed, then an estimate will be given.
Estimates are free.
Best Package Offer
Send In for Check Up
High Speeds
Low Speeds
Attachments incl. Electric
Yearly Maintenance
Yearly Maintenance
$200.00 / HP
$200.00 / HP
This consists of Taking Apart to Inspect all Parts and Cleaning, Lubing and Testing.
Minor adjustments may be made.
I f further repair is needed, then an estimate will be given.
Estimates are free.
Best for General Upkeep
Send In for Check Up
High Speeds
Low Speeds
Attachments incl. Electrics
Maintenance Review
Maintenance Review
$50.00 Travel Time
$50.00 Travel Time
This involves asking your staff to explain what they do to a handpiece and how they maintain them. Corrections and/or advice will be offered based on manufacturers expectations for their specific handpieces.
If you have a high staff turnover, I will come back
Charges for locations over 30 miles away.
1 hr session - On Site
Chuck Cleaning
Maintenance Systems